Call to Worship Psalm 78

If you are using this prayer for anything other than personal devotion, please see the main ‘Worship Resources’ page.

Call to Worship based on Psalm 78
[Notes: This was written for an online service but you can just change the last paragraph to suit. If you would like a powerpoint presentation with images and words to go with this prayer then please email me –]

O people of God, hear the words of his mouth,

Hear his parables, his stories,

Listen anew to things of old,
To things once heard and known,
Now experienced afresh.

Be ready to share with this and future generations,
The wonders of the Lord.

He did miracles for his people in the land of Egypt;
Yahweh-Shawah, God is there; God is here with us now,

He divided the sea and led them through;
He guided them with the cloud by day and with light from the fire all night.
Yahweh-Raah, God is the Shepherd; God guides us by day and by night

He gave them water as abundant as the seas and made water flow down like rivers.
Yahweh-Yireh , God the provider; God provides for our needs in the desert

Yahweh-Bore; God the Creator
Yahweh-nissi; God who covers us with his love
Yahweh’ – God who will be who God will be

Yahweh, the Great I am; We come this morning to worship you, to hear from you, to be inspired by your Holy Spirit, and to serve you in the places you have called us.

Loving God be with us here this morning as we, your dispersed people, gather together online as one church. May our worship offering please you and may we receive all you have to offer us, in the name of Jesus, Amen


This image was taken by me on an evening walk near to my home.  I am so blessed to live in a beautiful part of the North-West of England.  I loved the way the sun shone through the trees creating long shadows.  It was a spiritual moment for me, this image and the walk, re-connecting with our Creator God – Yahweh-Bore.  A reminder that whatever is happening in the World now, the presence of God is tangible if we would only pause for a moment and notice.