Bloom anywhere

This is a card I made recently for someone who was retiring.


I love this sentiment. The point is that even if we have no control over where we find ourselves in life, we can still do what we are called to, in any context.

Sometimes we choose to be in a particular place at a particular time, and other times we can feel it’s not under our control. Sometimes we might yearn to be somewhere else but circumstances prevent us.

The point about this quote is that we can grow and bloom and be fruitful anywhere.

I teamed the ‘Bloom where you are planted’ phrase with the verse from Micah which just sums up our purpose in life.

‘And what does The Lord require of you? To act justly, love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.’ Micah 6:8

I wonder what kind of place the world would be if we all lived by this maxim? (Incidentally some translations say ‘love kindness’ instead of ‘love mercy’?).

Acting justly matters at all levels, whether individually in the way we treat those around us, or corporately when we accept responsibility for the way we use the World’s resources or take a stand against systems that oppress.

Kindness and mercy are also important both as individuals and in our corporate behaviour – intolerance and hatred have no place in God’s Kingdom.

And when we walk daily with God in humility, God waters and feeds us so that we really can ‘Bloom where we are planted.’

May the God of justice and mercy, allow you to bloom and grow wherever you find yourself.
