If you don’t live your life in the world of art and craft then you may not know what a WIP is.

A Work In Progress is something that gets started and revisited to move it along a little further each time.

Here is one of mine…


It’s a crocheted heart blanket made from white yarn with scraps of pinks and reds (whatever is at hand). You can find the pattern to make it yourself here


I have several … no actually, loads, of WIPs. I used to get stressed about them. All these unfinished things that were waiting for completion…


… but the truth is, these WIPs are not really very much about the end product, they’re more to do with the journey. We’re all familiar with the quote ‘Life is a journey not a destination’, but how many of us live like we believe that?

I, myself, am most definitely a Work In Progress. People often think that Christians think they have ‘arrived’; that we’ve got it all sorted; that we have all the answers and are just waiting for our reward in heaven.

But the truth is that we are all on a journey; our own special journey that is as unique to us as we are ourselves unique. I strive to be all that God wants me to be; all that Jesus modelled; all that I know I ought to be. But most days I fail in some way … because I’m a Work In Progress.

Fortunately, I have a God who knows I’m not perfect and a Saviour who has died that I can be forgiven … over and over again if necessary.

And whilst I am excited about my eternal destination, actually at the moment, it’s the journey that excites me most, because I know that living in the way that God wants is what gives me life.

Proverbs 3 is a wonderful chapter of the Bible and there are three verses which give me both comfort and encouragement as a Work In Progress …

‘Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them round your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.’ (v3)

‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.’ (v5-6)

2 thoughts on “WIP

  1. Janet says:

    Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog. As for WIPs…I have more than I’d like to admit. I like how you said they’re more about the journey than the end result. I think that’s so true.


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